Friday, September 30, 2011

Gone to prison...

You know you’re safe when you wake up with military personnel guarding just outside your room with M-16 rifles. OK, so it’s actually a bit eerie, but you won’t get that kind of experience in America so it was worth reporting.
Today we continued our 3 outreaches, but this time we showed our Jesus film to the Lagutu Village. Although the crowd was not as big as last night, about 200 showed up with many walking a couple of miles to see the movie. There were no technical difficulties and no concern of rain.  It was very moving with over 15 people giving their life to Christ. Like yesterday, you would think that would have been the highlight of the day because of so many giving their heart to Jesus, but God had even a bigger day in store.
Our medical clinic moved to the prison today and our expectations were far exceeded. We had over 200 prisoners wait patiently in line for their medical care. The 2nd patient happened to be a prisoner who started a ministry in the prison. He now leads a church service every week with as many as 300 prisoners attending. God bringing him early facilitated several conversations the rest of the day as we had a dozen prisoners give a commitment to God. We not only had the opportunity to lead them in prayer, but got them connected with Pastor Stephen (our 2nd patient) for follow through. We also had discussions to further the prison ministry and it looks like Sports Outreach will be able to show the Jesus film in the future to them as well. God is so amazing.
We had many chuckles and few hysterical laughs. A few remembered
1.       The van got stuck in the mud and had to be pushed out (I heard the African ladies from Sports Outreach out-muscled our American men, but that’s not surprising). 
2.       The same team went to the wrong prison
3.       Ashley needs to learn his ABC’s. He thought orangutan started with an A (you will have to ask him the story)
4.       Joan hates this camping game by the way.
5.       An old man (who was quite inebriated) sat in front of the bus during the movie and was stepped on multiple times because no one could see him.
6.       Though not funny, but kind-of at the same time, the same old man (remember, very inebriated)  nearly got run over by the bus…and when we say nearly, we mean he was going underneath the front bumper. He was OK, so don’t worry. He didn’t feel it and probably won’t remember in the morning anyway. Praise God some people from the team saw what was happening before it was too late.


Rae said...

Lovin' the blog. But as the previous blog-star, I do have one criticism: I need to hear more about Aaron W! :) xoxoxoxo

Rebecca said...

I agree Rachel! It would be great to hear more about Aaron, but I was thinking more along the lines of Greg and McKinley. Greg, WCA lost today, but Nathan played an incredible game. I saw Lucy today McKinley, and she asked if I saw the book she made you. She told me that you need to show it to me when you get home. Baby chicken seems to be doing really well. She got a little scared today when a couple of the big chickens tried to come back in the run and she ran under me and sat on the ground. She did this a couple of times today - I guess I'm mother hen. I'm going to try to fit the driving range in for Simon this weekend - he really wants to go. I was also thinking about taking the kids to see Dolphin Tale - I think they would really like it. Yes, McKinley, that would be without you (sorry). Loving the updates - keep up the incredible work the Lord has for you all.

AnnaRebecca says, "I love you Daddy and McKinley. I hope you are having a great time in Africa. I hope you are saving lots of people. I've had a good week in school; I've got all yellow. Bye Daddy and McKinley, I love you."

All Our Love,
The Bradshaws

Rebecca said...

Bye the way, Greg, someone called about the mower and is coming to look at it. Nathan is so excited!

Ashley Lindbert said...

Hey babe-you and your spelling. You are a crack up.
I also meant to tell you since don't think you got my text but the flowers you had delivered were beautiful. Wild flowers-my favorite. You are so thoughtful and it not only brightened my day but the boys love to look at them. Thank you for that special surprise!!! You are the best!
We are hoping to go to bfast with Faith and boys and off to Gavins soccer game and Levis football game. He also has pics today. Daggetts baby shower went well last night and all is good. Boys are in the groove and doing well.
We love you so much! Give everyone high fives!
Have a beautiful day!!

Ashley Lindbert said...

Also wanted to tell you Ash that Gavin and I had a date morning yesterday-since he was having a tough time missing you. I told him I would get him a gift. He thought about it and said, "I need something I could hug everytime I miss daddy! That would be the best gift!". So we looked and looked and he picked out a big monkey of course. He tested it and it was squeeze ready. He hugs that monkey (he named Vine-since monkeys swing on vines) all the time and hasn't put it down. It even sat right outside the shower door. He would have taken it in had I let him. So precious and his love for you runs so does all of them.