Friday, September 30, 2011

Jesus on the big screen

What an awesome day.  We broke up into 3 groups as we had 3 major tasks to accomplish. The Medical Clinic, Brick making and the video outreach.
The medical team consisted of 4 nurses, a few interpreters, a doctor and a several medical assistants. Over 200 people showed up to be treated at the clinic from cuts/infections to malaria. We had a special surprise visit from Esther which excited everyone. (This is the same Esther that was miraculously healed and brought back to life after being dead 3 days) Watching McKinley and Tonia’s expression when they realized who the person they were talking to …was priceless. You will have to see the pic on our return. The clinic was such a success, we are continuing for 2 more days.
Our 2nd team moved and made bricks for a new kitchen next to the school/church. What felt we completed well beyond 659 bricks (the official count may be closer to 1000), we turned the dirt, sand and concrete while others used the brick press to make the bricks. It was back breaking, but well worth working side by side each other and the people of the village.
Our 3rd team paved the way for the movie night. After testing the equipment and making sure everything worked properly, they came over and borrowed a few from the construction team. They enticed them with an opportunity to become “slashers”. Everyone agreeing just for the name alone, they were handed some special “machete” type devices and told to start swinging like golf clubs. Although not what was expected (to be a slasher), everyone was excited about practicing their golf swing. After only a few minutes, the burnout began. Practicing your golf swing or being known as “the Slasher” did not matter anymore. THIS WAS REAL WORK…even more challenging than brick making, this task seemed impossible. We were all wishing we had gas powered weedeaters, but none was found. We did finish the “slashing” and headed back to the farm. One of our interesting moments comes from Ashley during his short call. He went into an outhouse to discover a hole with a few flies. Needing to clear his bladder (he had more Fruity Miranda’s than we could count), he took aim.  Once the hole was reached, a swarm of flies of biblical proportions came right at him. Out of reaction, he about ran out of the outhouse, but quickly realized exposure may be a problem, not to mention he had not completed his task. He decided to fight off the flies and finish his short call.  Amazingly even after that, his Fruity Miranda addiction continued through the day.
We ended the day with our movie night. This was the big outreach that we prepared for throughout the day. We had a large inflatable screen, big speakers, a projector and a movie about the Life of Jesus in the Acholi language…  (Jesus on the Big Screen). With all the preparation and practice, we still experienced technical difficulties, but Aaron, Ashley and Sam got on top of every challenge with speed and ease… with the exception of the projector. After an hour of trying to get the projector to turn on, Aloysius saved the evening (he always has a plan B) by surprising us with a second projector. We have no idea where he got it (we are not sure if he even knows), but God is good and everyone was excited.  The movie started late, but the movie watchers were very patient as always.  Their responses to several scenes in this movie were a joy to experience as they clapped, shouted and even rejoiced with their African tribal hollering we love to hear. The sound carried down the street and the screen was large enough to view from the road. People were coming in throughout the movie. By the end of the evening, we had over 400 people show up to and over 50 commitments to Christ. He answered many prayers last night and even when it looked we were going to have a massive downpour at any moment, He even held off the rain. Praise God for what He is doing.


Rebecca said...

Wow, sounds like a big day! We were praying for you all at dinner last night as a family. It is so exciting to hear what is happening. I love you Greg and miss you, but I am so glad you are there and get to be a part of what God is doing in Uganda. Miss you too, McKinley (and love you) - make sure you come back home with your dad. Nathan has another soccer game today and we are looking forward to that. The kids want to go to the Latin dance party Don Jewell is hosting tonight - we'll see. We will continue to pray for you all and thanks for posting - we look forward to reading the posts and hearing how God is moving. Hope today was a great day!

Love You Guys,

Ashley Lindbert said...

This is a test

Ashley Lindbert said...

Hey guys!

Sorry for the test but I wrote out my comment and it didn't send I go again.

We are so proud of you guys and all you are doing there! We are celebrating all the lives comitted to folow Christ-that is a WOW moment for sure. You guys are doing amazing work there!

Ash-we miss you and love you so much! Boys and I went to see Dolphin Tale-it was great. You know Gavin's love for animals. He is super pumped to see that pic of the "special" bug you have to show him. Jacob reading stong, Levi playing football, and well Asher still loving life-hasn't left my hip HA He asks every morning when he wakes..."is dad back from Africa yet?"
Tell mom we love her very much. Boys yell everytime we pull in the driveway "yeah Lalo is here!" (since her car in driveway) they still haven't quite gotten it.
Give Aaron big squeezes from us and big love
We are praying for you all and how God is using each of you to complete His work there. You each have such special gifts and are using them for His kingdom. Praying for protection and strength! You guys rock!

Oh meant to tell you this. One day the boys were really struggling, they were crying on and off and like any good mom I take them out to hopefully distract them-yeah right. They were crying off and on-Asher and Gavin. I just couldn't console them. We were getting some looks-let's face it we get that on a good day with 4 boys, but they were in rare form this day. I wanted to break down and cry with them until I dared drag them in one last store.
Well, to my surprise this man-it had to be Jesus in the flesh-stopped me. He put his hand on Gavin and Asher's heads and smiled the sweetest smile I had seen all day. He said, "What a blessing you boys are, an inheritance. You are so well-behaved and special young men. I am so thankful I got to see you today, how you have blessed me!" I thought well-behaved...HA. However, I quickly expressed my gratitude for his kindness and gentle smile. I was reminded to regroup, count my blessings, and feel the unshakeable, undeniable love of my FATHER! That sweet man was a light in what felt like a dark day. I then thought of you guys and how you are a light shining forth for the people there to see, to physically touch, you are their Jesus today and can point them straight to His loving arms as this man did for me. How beautiful and perfect that light is, especially when all you can see is darkness. We encourage you to keep spreading that light-you are changing lives...FOREVER!!

We love you guys!!
Jeana and the boys (who are doing much better:)