Thursday, January 17, 2013

27 teammates, 27 hours...

The journey started in three different cities with three different groups but with one single objective: To join together to go and serve the people of Uganda for our King.  So we left, two of the three groups met in Detroit, and the rest met in Amsterdam.    The journey touched down in 3 continents, 4 countries and covered 27 hours.  If you haven’t made a trip like this, it entails a lot of sitting, airplane meals, sitting, watching movies, sitting, reading, trying to sleep, sitting, bathroom breaks, sitting, trying to sleep and finally arriving.   But when you arrive, and see the people you have come to serve and are greeted by the SOI staff, it all suddenly seems worth it.  Especially when that staff person is none other than CC Reynolds who has already been in Uganda for a week and gave us all a “You are all most welcome” when saw her.

Then off to the hotel, half asleep on the drive, where we checked into the luxurious Pope Paul guest house.  If you haven’t slept under a mosquito net, it is somewhere between a magical disneyesque experience and walking into a spider web that you can’t seem to get off your face.  But hey, it keeps you safe so it seems like a good idea. 

Day 1 opened with a very friendly or angry pack of dogs barking into megaphones just after 5 am.  Breakfast at the hotel, then off to the SOI office for worship and devotions with the staff.  Why can’t every day start with a devotion time like this, worshipping, praying, encouraging time from the Word before you start your work day.  It just positions your heart in an incredible way. 

Then we were off to slums for three projects:  medical clinic, construction and Soccer outreach.  The medical clinic and the soccer outreach were both held in Bwaise slum, and the construction team went to Natette slum.

The medical team consisted of 6 doctors, 2 nurses and 6 support team members.  They were able to care for over 200 families providing medical attention, pharmacy medicines and prayer for their needs.  The team humbled themselves and God showed up in a huge way. 

The soccer team had a 70 kids, most street kids from the slum that are a part of youth soccer teams, for a 2 hour morning skills clinic, and afternoon soccer tournament we dubbed the Uganda Cup.  Our team of 7 coaches were able to share the gospel with the group while giving them a great place to come and learn and play.  There was a coaches versus kids game, which proved to be more than the coaches could handle as we lost in a high competitive game of 7 versus a lot of Ugandas.

The construction team had the honor to tear down and rebuild a home for a very special family in the Natette slum.  4 years ago the families 8 year old daughter was raped and contracted HIV.  The mother could not afford to pay for medical care and started to engage in prostitution to pay the bills.  When she was unable to make enough money she put her on the streets.  SOI was able to step in and start to care for the daughter and the family.  Today was the day that we were able to build their family a new home to live in.  What a blessing to share in God’s amazing provision for a family that was in such desperate need.  It is a blessing to be the hands and feet.

The night ended with the finest of Uganda’s chipati, fish and Fanta, truly a meal of champions.

So there are the last two days.  We are all safe, and ready for what is next.  Thanks for praying for us.


A few comically highlights of the first 48 hours:

1.        At worship today the worship leader switched songs from English to Swahili and our whole team started flipping through their song books looking for the song to no avail

2.       David and Laurie Fox getting locked inside their hotel room for a while

3.       Lauren Petters sat next to YT for 20 straight hours on the plane rides and said, “I have never spent 20 straight hours with any person in my life cause I’m not married yet”

4.       During our sharing time tonight, a full on dance party band kicked in outside in the courtyard.  After the group went to bed CC and Laurie may or may not have had their own dance party.

Lastly, if you are new to the blog and most of you probably will be, we encourage you to post comments for your loved ones, or liked ones.  We read them at breakfast in the morning, and it brings a lot of love and life when people get shout outs.
The SOI blog team


Anonymous said...

CC! I LOVE YOU! A Dance party - how unlike you? ;-) Prayers for continued safety and lots more dancing!


Faith said...

I was so glad to see the blog up and running. It is the first news I've had, and although Monty tracked your flight, we just weren't sure you were on it! Miss you, John, Hannah and Pookie. Stay healthy. Have a great day!

Jill said...

Is that kid from WV wearing his goofy hat 24/7?

Rebecca said...

Hope Ladies - Glad that you are there safely and I am sure that CC is so glad you are there as well!! I am so jealous of your chipati and fanta - hope you are enjoying it!

YT - no celebrity sightings on the plane this time?? You are slacking! I was hoping Jason or Maggie Seaver would be on the plane.

Chi Chi - I hope there is a lot of African yelling to go with that dancing "Aiiiiiiyyyaaaaiiiiaia"

LP - Was your bag under the weight limit? Do you feel adequately prepared by your packing consultants? :) Miss you friend!

Praying for the trip and excited to see what God does!

Ina said...

Davy(id), you are your father's son. Getting locked in your room? Bobby has trouble with locks and codes too! So glad to hear you all made it safe and sound. I do remember that trip -- very long!!
David Ralston: sounds like you're busy already!! I remember how great you were at those medical clinics! Heal on.... Ina

Anonymous said...

Courtney...We tracked your flight all the way...WOW! 20+ hours. Sounds like your team is off to an exciting start! Looking forward to following this blog and hearing of all your work and experiences....Lots of love to you. Mom & Dad

Ralston Family said...

Hey Daddy-O! Sounds like you are pretty busy! Hope you are doing well! I am studying for my pre-calc test tomorrow. I will have mom text you with any problems I can't figure out:-) Great run after school today, although I dropped a 120 lb weight on my toe-tough girl back in the game! xoxo! Love, Kitty
Hi Dad, Did pretty good on my math test today even though I know I missed one already :-) I am playing a new game called subway surf-you would like it! Gotta go help mom fix dinner! Love you, Sarah Grace
Hi Dad, Missing you bunches! Mom did a good job supervising Leo and Cal hanging the new light fixture today, if you know what I mean...gotta run to ballet. I love you so much!!! Hannah
Hi Dad, it's me Andrew. Chester says hi! BLAM! Love you.
Hey Babe, so glad to read about all the wonderful things you are all doing. Talked to Miquel today...he is planning on joining you next time you go to Uganda :-) Your birds are eating us out of house and home-seriously! Had to fill up that feeder AGAIN! Saw some pretty new ones today! I love you and am so proud of what you are doing! XOXOXOXO, Teri

Aimee said...

Hi Mom and Chris!!! I've been stalking this blog like a scorned girlfriend since you left. So grateful for the updates.

Just to update you Mom, Bob is hanging in there. I can tell how lonely he is because he came out to watch the girls for me last night without me even asking!!! I sent him home with some lasagna. He misses you and has been tracking your flight. We are singing Deep Waters on Sunday and it will be beautiful! Can't help but think of you all answering the call to go out to deep waters. Choir prayed hard for you all.

Chris, you must have fit right in with the sudden "switch up" to Swahili. I know it wasn't Korean, but you must have felt like Dad was there nonetheless :) I'm laughing out loud!!!!

I'm incredibly grateful for the time we had before you left. I miss and love you both!

David, Ken is on fire to preach Sunday. Although he will not be able to top a sermon involving a show cat and a shitzu, I know he'll do great. FYI, Jim is plotting his next move...

Love and Blessing to You All!

Anonymous said...

Lauren--Glad to hear you made it there OK! I am praying for peace and protection while you are away. May the enemy have no place in what the Lord wants to do through your team in Uganda!

Love you!

Herman Family said...

So glad to get the updates and see that everyone is safe and making a big difference! Thank you

Dave--Were you one of the soccer coaches ysterday? I was hoping that these kids could teach you some additional skills that we can use with the girls this Spring!!

Diane--Glad to get your updates on the house. Very proud of the work that you and the team are doing. Kids are all fine. Noah had a performance his am at the McCoy that was fun. Rachel swam in 2 events last night and did well. Gymnastics is going good and Alex has been enjoying crew and starts his Virtual class this afternoon. Miss you XOXO


Anonymous said...

Diane Herman - WOW what a jammed packed first two days and you thought being "mighty mom" to your 4 kids was a hard days work! I look forward to reading about all of these great accomplishments. With love, Cher

LaDon Cooper said...

Miranda Reger - So glad to see the blog with updates on the activities. Praying for you and the group. Love You!!!!