Monday, October 4, 2010

And they are off!

The team is off to an amazing 10 day trip to Uganda! What an adventure this will be. Please pray for safe travels and that the Lord would do a might work in and through them.  The team will be meeting Dustin Swinehard and CC Reynolds in Atlanta in a few shorts hours and then across the pond they go...


amanda uher said...

Woo hoo!! Praying for you all!!

Rae said...

Hey Team!

Heard you made it. Yay! I'm looking forward to hearing all about the trip as it happens. :)

Lauren--I forgot to ask you before you left - if you see a postcard and UG stamps, would you send something to my kids? They LOVE mail and that would be so cool for them! I'll pay you back when you return. If it doesn't happen, no biggie--it was just an idea. Thanks!

My heart is with you, Team! You're awesome!