Saturday, May 21, 2011

lynchburg College - Anna's Well, May 2011

Gulu Day 2
In a word - POWERFUL!
We have had an amazing day! Thank you for your prayers. We deeply appreciate all who made this trip possible and hope that we will adequately be able to share it with you. The Sports Outreach staff here in Gulu are doing amazing work and we are privileged to be able to work beside them and hopefully encourage them.

Hiiii everyone! Today was so amazing and as Rodney wrote above POWERFUL! We went to the farm and walked around to see the amazing work they've been doing! There were lots of animals there and I loved it! Chickens, goats, bunnies, cows, and pigs and sorry mom but I pet them all...I did use the hand sanitizer afterwards though DON'T WORRY! We played pick up soccer with the kids and it was a lot of fun. Later we played a legit 7v7 game in a stadium with SO many people! They started off by laughing at us as we took the field, but they shortly started cheering for us after Cici scored early, followed by Betsy, and Cat. Keeper played well too, I was proud ;) so it was 3-0 at the end of the half and we won 4-0 in the end! The crowd was amazing! One of the greatest experiences of our lives, it felt like the world cup! If anyone did anything good the crowd went crazy! The most fans we have definitely ever had, most amazing soccer experience, nothing will ever compare! After the game we went to Betty, Hilda, and Pheona's (not the chess phenom) to pray for them as they have lost their father/husband and most recently lost a their female pig carrying a litter of 12, which is very important. The pig represents their income, their business, the money providing education for the kids, and ultimately their livelihood. They were such happy people and have such a strong faith in god regardless of the terrible misfortunes they've experienced. The children were so happy to see us, I can't really explain it in words. Well I'm gonna wrap this up, its much longer then I thought it would be. I miss everyone at home! Can't wait to see you all!

Alicia (aka Monkey-Pussy Cat)
          P.S. before you start making your OWN assumptions about my blog name it was given to me by Florence because of my "keeper-like" reflexes in "life" ;)

Today was by far the most intense day we've experienced yet. I'm so proud of all our soccer people, getting out on a legitimate stadium with hundreds of people watching, and winning. They represented Lynchburg College and Sports Outreach Institute so well. Our cheer team/supporters helped too... I knew Rodney wanted to push all of us out of our comfort zones on this trip, and I fully believe he will. I know I personally stepped way out of my comfort zone today sharing a prayer aloud for the first time with Betty and her family. It was truly wonderfully heartbreaking to see how strong Betty was yet how difficult her life is and how much she's been through.
I'm so blessed to be here in Uganda, and this is honestly a life-changing experience. I cannot wait for the rest of the week!


Today's experience for me was very emotional. The first thing we did was go to the farm. we gathered together with the other sports outreach staff to sing an prey. it was amazing to hear them sing, dance and  play the drums.

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